Thursday, September 9, 2010

Paris Hilton Style: Chanel Perforated White Jumbo Flap Handbag

So much for cleaning up her act. I have no idea why some females decide that Halloween is an excuse to dress like a 2 cent hooker. Sure, it was cool when you were a freshman in college, but to continue the ‘I’m a slutty ________” is downright tacky. And Paris Hilton has tainted young girls minds, dressing as Alice from DISNEY’S! Alice in Wonderland. I mean come on, isn’t anything sacred anymore. And speaking of sacred, what on earth has this girl done to her Chanel Perforated White Jumbo Flap Handbag??? GASP! Such a lovely piece has been used and abused, showing significant wear, tear, and dirt all over it. I understand that a handbag is meant to be worn, but give your bag just a little respect. Then again, when you are used to spending someone else’s money everyday in large quantities, money really has no value to you. I’m just going to keep shaking my head at this girl, and asking her to give me her handbags that she plans on ruining before they are ruined. I promise to take care of them!

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